Paper 2 - Refrences Cited
Adair, James
1775 The History of the American Indians. Edward and Charles Dilly, London.
Brain, Jeffrey Pl
1981 Glass Beads from the Tunica Treasure. Lower Mississippi Survey Bulletin No. 7 Peabody Museum Harvard University.
Cook, Steve; Palmer, Buddy and Riley, Julian
1980 Historic Chickasaw Village Locations. Unpublished, Lee County Library Tupelo, Mississippi.
Cook, Stephen R.
2005 The Chickasaw Villages. www.thechickasawvillages.com
Courtney-Rausch, Donna
2003 Glass Trade Beads. Chapter 5 NEH Grant RZ-206200-00 Pending publication.
Crane, Verner W.
1981 The Southern Frontier, 1670-1732. W.W Norton & Company New York.
Draper Papers
2005 Chickasaw History According to Malcolm McGee, www.chickasawhistory.com
Kidd, Kenneth E. and Martha A. Kidd
1970 A Classification System for Glass Beads for the Use of Field Archaeologists. Canadian Historic Sites
Malone, James H.
1922 The Chickasaw Nation A Short Sketch of a Nobel People. J.P. Morton and Company, Inc., Louisville, Kentucky
Moore, Alexander (editor)
1988 Nairne's Muskhogean Journals, The 1708 Expedition to the Mississippi River. University of Mississippi Press, Jackson.
Rowland, Dunbar and Albert Sanders (editors & translators)
1927 Mississippi Provincial Archives, French Dominion, Vol. I. 1729-1740. Mississippi Press of the Mississippi Department of Archives and History, Jackson, Mississippi.
Swanton, John R.
1979 The Indians of the Southeastern United States, Bulletin One Hundred Thirty-Seven Bureau of American Ethnology Smithsonian Institution Press Reprint